by Elise McVeigh | May 8, 2023 | Mrs. McVeigh's Manners Themes of the Week
Ask your child about social media.Name two types of social media.YouTube, TiKTok Is it okay to lie about your age to get onto social media?No. If you post something on social media, and then change your mind, can you take it down?Yes, but it is still could be seen or...
by Elise McVeigh | May 1, 2023 | Mrs. McVeigh's Manners Themes of the Week
Ask your child about TextingAsk your younger child the following questions: Is it okay to use someone else’s phone without permission to text someone?No.Is it okay to look at someone else’s phone texts?No. Ask your older child the following questions: When texting...
by Elise McVeigh | Apr 24, 2023 | Mrs. McVeigh's Manners Themes of the Week
Ask your child the following about Electronic Devices Is it okay to be on your electronic device when someone is talking to you? No. When an adult asks you to put down your electronic device, when should you put it down? Right away. Is looking at a screen is better...
by Elise McVeigh | Apr 17, 2023 | Mrs. McVeigh's Manners Themes of the Week
Ask your child the following questions about riding a School Bus: Should you have an extra quiet voice on a school bus? Why or why not? Can you get up anytime and move around? Is it okay to shout to your friend across the aisle? What should you do if someone is...
by Elise McVeigh | Apr 10, 2023 | Mrs. McVeigh's Manners Themes of the Week
Ask your children about having good manners when they Travel What do we say to our parents before and after a vacation? Thank you for taking me on vacation. Is it okay to fight with our brothers and sisters on a trip? When traveling, should we have our things all over...
by Elise McVeigh | Apr 3, 2023 | Mrs. McVeigh's Manners Themes of the Week
Ask your child about what it means to have good manners in the Car, and the following questions! If someone is going to pick us up, how can we show that we are ready? Wait outside for them, or at least sit by the window and be ready to go out the door quickly. What do...