Dear Mrs. McVeigh,
I just had my first baby two months ago, and am pretty overwhelmed and walking around like a zombie from lack of sleep. Traditionally every year my husband’s family goes to a very nice brunch on Mother’s Day. This year I do not want to go for several reasons. I cannot fit into any of my nice clothes; I am breast-feeding around the clock; I do not have a cute outfit for the baby to wear; and am not ready for a big outing with a baby. I told my husband that I do not want to go, but he is insisting that not going would be rude. What do you think?
Tired and Feeling Fat Mom
Dear Tired and Feeling Fat Mom,
Having a baby takes a lot of recovery, and getting back in shape is hard for a lot of women. I understand all of your reasons. However, what you did not mention is that since it is Mother’s Day, and you are now a mother, you deserve the day that you want. I know a new mom who’s Mother’s Day gift from her husband was a hotel stay so she could get some uninterrupted sleep.
Nicely tell your husband that you do not mind if he goes to the brunch to be with his mother for a little while, but now that you are a mom, he needs to plan and give you a great Mother’s Day. In return you will give him a Father’s Day every year that he is going to enjoy, and he gets to choose to do whatever he wants. This Mother’s Day can be all about you. Tell your Mother-in-law that next year you will be up for an outing either on, or close to Mother’s Day to celebrate with her.